The Chickpea Portal


Chickpea GBrowse Viewer

(Functional annotation can be searched in GBrowse)
  1. Kabuli V2.6.3 genome [1]
  2. Kabuli V1.0 genome
  3. Desi uwa-V3.0 genome [2]
  4. Desi V1.0 genome

Sequence Similarity Search Tools

  1. Blast GBrowse2: Chickpea genome BLAST portal
  2. TAGdb: Whole genome data and all chromosome arm specific sequence data are available

Raw data download

(Containing genome and gene sequences, features and isolationed chromosome alignment)
  1. Kabuli V2.6.3 raw data [1] 132MB (MD5: 2808bda3e9c988fdf7adbfb1b7ce9460)
  2. Kabuli V1.0 raw data 2.4GB (MD5: 15bedeb340aed7f653cd59824c134d9e)
  3. Desi uwa-V3.0 raw data [2] 117MB (MD5: 04e5084bd94a78bccb7ddee171b5e27f)
  4. Desi V1.0 raw data 1.1GB (MD5: d45f7b311c0088ef2250bfe7886d45e4)

Lifted over annotation

We used liftoff to lift over the original v1 annotation to the v2.6.3 and the v3.0 assemblies.


  1. Desi annotation gff3
  2. Desi annotation proteins fasta
  3. Desi annotation CDS fasta
  4. Desi annotation exons fasta


  1. Kabuli annotation gff3
  2. Kabuli annotation proteins fasta
  3. Kabuli annotation CDS fasta
  4. Kabuli annotation exons fasta

SNP Information

  1. 21 SNPs significantly associated with ascochyta blight resistance

Desi and kabuli reference genome assembly statistics

Features kabuli V1.0 draft genome kabuli V2.6.3 draft genome [1] desi V1.0 draft genome desi uwa-V3.0 draft genome [2]
Total assembly size (Mb) 532 472 456 412
Number of scaffolds 7,163 5,176 32,935 12,686
Minimum reported scaffold length (bp) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Maximum scaffold length (Kbp) 59,460 69,325 23,376 61,758
Average scaffold length (bp) 74,311 91,208 13,857 32,479
N50 length (Kb) 39,989 58,849 106 50,017
GC content (%) 30.8 18.34 25.6 33.03
Genome captured in pseudomolecule (Kbp) 347,247 423,280 124,386 375,060
Protein coding genes 28,269 33,351 27,571 29,400
Average gene length (bp) 3,055 3,802 3,122 3,955
Average coding sequence length (bp) 235 215 228 210

Please Cite

[1] Prof. David Edwards (2016): Improved kabuli reference genome. CyVerse Data Commons. Dataset.

[2] Prof. David Edwards (2016): Improved desi reference genome. CyVerse Data Commons. Dataset.